Avalon Intermediate School

Ka Mahi Tahi Tātou, Ka Taua Tātou - Working as one, so we all succeed

Vision and Values

Our vision is KA MAHI TAHI TĀTOU, KA TAUA TĀTOU - Working as one, so we all succeed

Success at school is not limited to academic ability, it is different for every learner but it is our role as a school to provide the right culture, resources and support to help our tauira to be confident and successful learners. We know that our teaching and learning goes both ways and that our teaching staff have so much they can learn from our students and whanau, which is why our whakatauki applies to everyone in our learning community.


Ngā tikanga, the values that underpin the way that our school works are:

KAITIAKITANGA - Guardianship



MAURI ORA - Wellbeing 

Music Video - Ko Au Te Awa

AIS Staff - Lockdown Video

Music Video - Sun

AIR NZ Winners!